With a ceremonial opening, we ended the project Zaváté šlépěje, which was organized by our gallery together with the pupils of O. Březina Elementary School and College of Polytechnics Jihlava with the financial support of the Jihlava city.
Colleagues from the teaching department of the Olomouc Museum of Art once again showed us that they are the best in their field at the meeting of the Chamber of Education Workers (KEP).
The Festival of Art and Creativity in Education (FUK in Czech), which this year is taking place in eight regions of the Czech Republic, aims to present the wide potential of creative education.
The conference entitled Film and audiovisual in education was organized by colleagues from the Prague City Gallery in connection with the exhibition Thinking Through Film, which was held from November 2023 to February 2024 in the Stone Bell House.
The long-term program Once upon a time there was a painter was first offered by the gallery in September of last year and will continue for the next six months.