Our gallery has been striving to be a living, multifunctional institution that provides opportunities for meetings, communication, unusual experience, reflection, knowledge and development of one's own creativity. For that reason, we are always pleased when another local institution, organization, or group, whose program is in some way close to ours, approaches us with a request for cooperation.
When we were approached by Mgr. Hana Vařejková, MBA from the Jihlava Kindergarten and Special Pedagogical Center, about the possibility of organizing a meeting of professionals in the Jihlava education system in the gallery, we immediately agreed. We completely agreed with her belief that it is important that (not only) these meetings take place in interesting spaces that somehow inspire the participants.
The main point of the meeting was the lecture by MUDr. Mgr. Kristýna Drozdová, Ph.D. on the topic of how to manage stress and strengthen resilience, which is a very current topic that affects us all in some way.
After the main program of the meeting, its participants had the opportunity to view our current exhibition Starflight / A child in each of us and take part in a creative workshop led by the curator of the exhibition and our gallery educator Pavlína Pitrová. She presented to the participants not only this exhibition project from our collections, but also the way in which she herself works with young visitors. And at the end, those interested could create their own work based on the motifs of Ladislav Novák's painting, following the example of our workshops for children.
We would like to thank Mrs. Vařejková and MŠ and SPC Jihlava for choosing our premises for their meeting. We hope that the participants were inspired, enjoyed the tour of the exhibition and the workshop, and hopefully our cooperation will continue in the future.
Jana Jarošová, March 2023

phone number: 567 301 681; 721 434 761