Right at the beginning of the year, our gallery collections will be given space. Hvězdolet / Starflight, prepared by gallery educator Pavlína Pitrová, is an intergenerational, creative project aimed not only at families with children. The works of Olbram Zoubek, Bohuslav Reynek, Míla Doleželová or Otto Stritzko will inspire the visitor to create, think, but also relax.
Summer will belong to landscapers in the gallery. We are preparing the exhibition Czech Artists in Corsica and Southern France 1926–1930 in cooperation with the Gallery of Fine Arts in Cheb and its director Marcel Fišer.
In the fall, we will present Max Švabinský's graphic work in the space of the gallery building on Masaryk Square. Curators Pavlína Pyšná and Jana Bojanovská are preparing the exhibition from the collections of the Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín and the Vysočina Regional Gallery in Jihlava.
In the spring, the gallery building in Komenského street will present the current work of the painter Lenka Černota, which is being curated for the gallery by longtime collaborator Radek Wohlmuth.
In the summer time, two projects will take place in the gallery's main exhibition space: Out of the gallery! / Art in the Czech Public Space after 1989 by curators Petr Kratochvíl, Dan Merta and Petra Vlachynská, which will follow on from the Landscape festival currently underway in Jihlava, and project Make friends not art by curator Petr Kovář, who will focus on the community activities of artists in the Vysočina region.
In autumn, we will present the work of contemporary painters Jaroslav Grodl and Matěj Lipavský.
The Alternativa gallery will present five exhibition projects, selected from a traditional open call:
Karolína Kolbová – a graduate of SUPŠ Jihlava-Helenín, who currently attends the Painting II studio at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava;
the duo Daniel Vlček and Tom Kotík with the installation Big science;
author's project of Reinhold Zisser called Notgalerie;
Alessandra Svatek under the curatorship of Radek Wohlmuth;
Everything is boring, but no one is bored here - an exhibition of three artists of the emerging generation (Pamela Kuťáková, Minami Nishinaga, Veronika Olejárová) curated by Anežka Kořínková
Over the course of the year, five projects will also be presented in the IGLOO sound gallery, which Miloš Vojtěchovský prepared dramaturgically for this year as well:
Pablo Diserens: Sounding Wetlands/Sounding Wetlands
The project is part of the intertidal zone - a series of surveys of life forms in wetlands and shallow waters, which the author has been working on for several years and which he carried out, for example, in Australia, Croatia, or in this case in Upper Lusatia.
Petr Válek: Humoresque
Locally specific kinetic assemblage, made special by light effects, which resonates the basement space of the gallery.
Rodrigo Paglieri: Landscape-radio map of Jihlava
An artistic project of geo-sound mapping of a certain area (in this case Jihlava), which the artist explores during walking expeditions.
Jan Krtička: Jihlava transformers
Recordings of the electromagnetic field near the substations and the surrounding soundscapes are played from old loudspeakers and placed in space so that the listener can move between them.
We are looking forward to your visit in 2023!
January 2023