

Jan Rousek – Tenants of Time

28. 1. — 7. 3. 2021

Komensky Street No. 10
Curator: Lea Petříková

Carlos Castaneda calls time tenant a wizard of ancient times who defies time and goes through centuries in various physical forms with lasting consciousness. The exhibition of the filmmaker Jan Rousek, presenting his work in a gallery context for the first time, seeks tenants of various forms who, like the wizards of old times, transcend their existence and correspond in spite of them, on the example of modern Czechoslovak history, which he sees as a space shaped by these wizards. Rousek's exhibition attempts to capture the tenants, at least in part, through a video installation that is an insight into the incomprehensible world of the collapsing communist regime. The artist opens up a strange, little-exposed space in contemporary art, inhabited by relics of the past, tenants of the time who at some point separated themselves from the development of history and established their own impasse.

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