Lenka Černota: Wolfness
In her own words, Lenka Černota continuously explores humanity through experimentation with "wolfness". From paintings she painted for wolves with the belief that they would see and react to them, through her presence in their environment and painting in-situ, she has come to the current stage where she thinks and tries to paint an image as if she had a visual apparatus of wolf. The results of her painting experiments over the past few years are summarized in Lenka Černota's largest exhibition, significantly titled Wolfness. In addition to her own combined technique, based on hand painting, accompanied by drawings and note inscriptions, she will also present video sequences composed of camera trap images, documenting the fate of her "wolf" paintings left in the solitude of the forest.
Lenka Černota (*1985) lives and works in Prague. In 2015, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague at Vladimíra Kokolia's graphic studio. A year earlier, she completed her doctoral studies at VŠB-TU Ostrava. The topic of her dissertation was the processing of industrial waste for the purpose of preparing pigments and their use in restoration techniques. She obtained a patent for the pigment she prepared. She also studied for three years at the Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki in Krakow, Poland (intermedia studio, sculpture). She has a bachelor's degree in the field of mural painting and sgraffito restoration from the University of Pardubice in Litomyšl. She mainly focuses on painting. Additional techniques that shift her painting into other contexts are mainly drawing, photos from camera traps, and mind maps. She is currently studying in the doctoral study program at AVU, in Vladimír Kokolia's studio. The theme of her work is PAINTINGS WITH WOLVES.
basic fee 40 CZK