The course was led by lecturer Hanka Kašparová, who works at the Pelhřimov Elementary Art School as an art teacher. This fact also ensured that the workshop would be interesting and worth visiting. Right at the entrance to the museum, I met Zuzka Trnková, curator and educator at the same time. Soon I had the feeling that I was entering an environment that is very close to me. On the one hand, thanks to all the named colleagues with whom we are in contact, and also thanks to the hall full of children. They watched with interest the lecturer Hanka, who skillfully turned the molten glass mass turning into a bead over the burner. She explained to the children how to work with fire and a glass rod so they wouldn't get hurt, and at the same time they managed to create their own bead design. All the children would not be able to get to the burner right away, so the second Hanka (Zrno Vondrů) took them through her exhibition. I enthusiastically joined the group and listened to the stories of products that are not just objects or exhibits, but represent the creative work of a person. Their patience and humility towards the material they work with. Be it glass, ceramic, metal, wood or textile. All of these materials are represented at the exhibition and presented to the visitor in a serious and somewhat non-serious, relaxing form. Young visitors also have the opportunity to create and try out color combinations using chalk on clay pots.
Originally, I thought I would try making a coiled bead. But when I saw the children patiently waiting for their turn to sit behind the torch turning colored glass rods into beads, I gave up. With pleasure! It's great that handwork is especially appealing to them! So "Hello girls" from Pelhřimov, you are doing great!
Pavlína Pitrová, October 2022