Gallery library
Gallery library
OGV library

A specialized library is open to the interested public in the Vysočina Regional Gallery in Jihlava, which invites you to explore the world of art.

It has 9372 specialized publications in its collection. The books on fine arts, sculpture and architecture, from the Czech and foreign art environment, from the present and from history, are the most represented here. Here you will also find interesting publications from the Vysočina Edition, from which you can draw information about towns and villages in the Vysočina region and compare the current situation with what these villages looked like a hundred years ago. Volumes about glassmaking, jewelry, watchmaking, carving, blacksmithing or folk crafts await fans of the arts and crafts. The OGV library also offers foreign language literature, mostly in German.

In addition to books, the visitor will find catalogs that have been published on the occasion of exhibitions in OGV or other galleries, the library also has dictionaries, anthologies and art magazines such as Art & Antiques, Prostor Zlín, Umění, Flash Art, Art + and Artikl. O-kraj is also available there – a newspaper published by the Vysočina Regional Gallery in Jihlava. A separate part of the library collection then consists of CDs, on which the art of selected galleries in the Czech Republic is presented in digital form.

All publications can be read in-house only, but you can study and research undisturbed in a quiet study room.

Veronika Dolanská, March 2022

educator, librarian
Bc. Veronika Dolanská

phone number: 567 215 479 

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