The importance of savings and financial literacy is an increasingly topical topic. They were already aware of this in 1924 at the first international congress of savings banks in Italy, where this holiday was announced. Its main goal is to point out the importance of saving money in an effort to secure a higher standard of living for the future and to raise awareness about financial management.
With a bit of exaggeration, for this day we selected the work of Emilie Tomanová called Treasure from the gallery collections. Painter, graphic artist and illustrator Emilie Tomanová, born Matošková (January 23, 1933 Prague – March 16, 1994 Prague), graduated from a graphics school under the direction of Zdenek Balaš and Petr Dillinger, then from 1951–1956 a graphics specialist with Vladimír Pukl at the Academy of Fine Arts. In her work, she most often used etching and dry needle techniques. She was inspired by everyday motifs to which she had a personal relationship. Frequently recurring subjects in her works are family relationships, trees, birds, or mysterious gardens, imaginary landscapes. She was a member of the Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists. In addition to Czechoslovakia, she also exhibited in, for example, Belgium, Germany and Poland, and won numerous awards at home and abroad. Her work is represented in a number of regional galleries, the Jihlava gallery manages 15 of her works, primarily etchings, in its collections. Her life partner was the painter Karel Toman.
Jana Jarošová, October 31, 2024
phone number: 567 301 681; 721 434 761